Books Review

Live by your Dreams

Escrito por Rosa Anwandter
Review By  Rosa Anwandter

Arthur Struck, in the book, Live by your Dreams, take his readers on an amazing tour to the most inner perceptions of many individuals that offered their dreams as a testimony of situations about worries and joys of their everyday life.

Live by your Dreams is that sort of a book, that mesmerizes its readers from the first narrated dream until the last one. This is amazing book tell us through genuine   dream stories, how   dreams in their high complexity   are a real soul scanner.

I highly recommended the book, Live by your Dreams, to read and learn about life and its mysteries. In   fact,    the book is a fusion of collected experiences of the author´s family, and friends, presenting the evidence of the meaning of their dreams as a path, and a gift to achieve psychological equilibrium and Wisdom.